Data Profile

Name: Jennifer Salam
E-mail address:
Class: 10B national
Year of scholarship acceptance: 2009
Type of scholarship acceptance: Special Talent (basketball and acting)

Summary School Activities Competitions:

  • Deteksi Basketball League 2010

  • Universitas Pelita Harapan Cup

  • STIKOM Cup

  • IPH friendly

  • Semi finalist in Expressio acting and modeling competition, National level.

  • Visualisation Church Competition.

  • Basketball camping

It's been an honor to have the title Cita Hati Scholarship Student. Since Cita Hati gave this honor, I don't want to disrespect Cita Hati trusted to me. That's why I tried to improve my character, academic, and talents. Cita Hati gave me an ambition to become the best from the best, in skills, academic, and of course character. Because of this honor, I become more confident to what I'm doing, and have the courage to become myself.

My dream is become a Doctor, but I'm not afraid to try other things. Like basketball, acting, design and others. I want to develop my skills, so i could find my inner talent. I think, in teen age, it's the time to raised potential, skills, dreams, and ambition to go higher. And I know the scholarship that Cita Hati gave me, have been a lot of help to my future, and i like to say thank you cause of that.

To show my gratitude, I've been joining some competition to make Cita Hati proud. Like
STIKOM Cup, UPH cup (University Pelita Harapan), IPH friendly match, and others. My memorable match is DBL 2010, cause this match made Cita Hati "GET OUT" from the

My grades been really good, compared when i'm in junior high school. In my talents, i already shown you how i'm doing. And in my education i've studying hard and it payed off with good grades. In character, i've been joining a lot of community service in my church, like teaching in sunday school for the little childern, giving some clothes and food to the poor, and join some drama for easter in my chruch. And it thought me a lot in character.

With God, I think Cita Hati could trust me about this scholarship. I'm not a kind of person who wasting this precious opportunity. That's why, please give me a chance to keep this scholarship, i won't dissapointed Cita Hati. Thank you for your time reading my essay, God Bless You.


Jennifer Salam

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