Scholarship Evaluation 2010-2011

It's been 2 years that Cita Hati gave me an honor to become one of the Cita Hati scholarship students. I'm glad to be one of the scholarship students, because if Cita Hati never gave me this oppurtinity I wouldn't found my other talents. I believe that Cita Hati teach us to try something new, and to discover our hidden talents. In teens era, it's time to discover our self, world, and our future. That's why I'm not afraid to look something new, cause I don't want to be like other people when they hit their 30's and said "What if..?". What and If seems a harmfull words, but combine them together, they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. So as a teen, when I still had my youth, strength, and time, I like to try all the activities I could possibly do, and for my experiences that I could cherish for the rest of my life.

Recently I'm learning my new talents, and that's photography. Even though it took my basketball time, and made me to quit basketball, well I have no regrets. Because after I knew my new talent, I know that my goal is. Now I'm planning to go to Petra University and took DKV as my major. With photography and design, I found the things that I love. I hope Cita Hati could help me to achieve my goals.

My achievements this year (2010-2011):
  1. ICAS (English competition)
  2. Frateran Cup
  3. IPH friendly match
  4. Participating in designing Broken Wings logo
  5. Participating in selling tickets of Broken Wings
  6. Partnership with Dhiemas Saputra Photoworks ( accomplished top ten of the most beautiful picture category in Indonesia )
  7. Partnership with Eva Mary Photoworks and Bubbly Photoworks ( one of the most recognize photographer in Jogjakarta )
  8. Become a model for Dhiemas Saputra and Eva Mary photoworks (theme Lost in Snow White)
  9. Second place in Acting and Modeling Halloween theme at Loop. (theme Juliet Lost Her Romeo)
  10. Photograph Max Cullen The Magician, a well known entertainer for big events.
  11. Photograph some of the students in D'MJC academy for magic.
  12. Photograph some of the graduate creations of the Reever School of Make up and Hair styling.
  13. Participating in UK Petra photography competition at Surabaya Town Square.
  14. Photograph one of the student in PEC Modelling School.
  15. Concealing with one of the most prestigious person in the Government about system academy in Indonesia.

This is my achievements for this year, and I hope it will continue on to make Cita Hati proud. Without Cita Hati that gave me this opportunity, I know that I wouldn't had done this accomplishments. My next goal is to open my own studio or being a freelance photography that travels around the world. But for now, I'm still learning about photograph pre-wedding and weddings events. God blessed me with this new talents, I hope I could develop my talents, for God, my family, Cita Hati, and for my self. Cause our future is our choices, and God help us with those choices and show us which way. Thank you for reading my blog, I hope Cita Hati still trusted me, to be one of the scholarship students in Cita Hati for the next academy year.

For my works, and images. You could look into my hard copy (CD).

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