Never Bored with SINGAPORE

1. Sentosa

Ok, place number one is Sentosa. In case you’ve not seen it in brochures or tour packages, I can tell you that Sentosa is certainly (without a doubt) one of the must-see places in Singapore. The lovely island off the southern coast of the Singapore mainland is one of the most visited resorts for tourists. Come 2010, there will be a Sentosa based integrated resort which will definitely see visitors flocking to the island even more.

2. Singapore Zoo

Place number tow you ask? It’s got to be the Singapore Zoo. The Singapore Zoo is renowned both in Southeast Asia and world-wide for its variety of animals and excellent pedigree. You’ll see everything from Chinese pandas to orang utans to white tigers. Certainly worth a visit and if you have the time, go for the Night Safari which is an interesting night tour of the zoo.

3. Chinatown

The next place one has to visit has to be Chinatown. If you’re interested in the culture and sights of the largest ethnic group in Singapore, then Chinatown is a must visit for its interesting little curio shops and cultural fare. Make sure you pop in to try the local food and also shop for traditional Chinese stuff like herbs and mahjong sets or jade.

4. Little India

Having talked about Chinatown, we got to talk also about Little India. Little India certainly has a charm all its own. If you’re in the mood for some Indian cultural experience, Little India has everything to offer you – from the traditional temples to the culinary delights of Indian curry or textiles. A must-visit for any tourist.

5. Boat Quay

The last place I have to mention has got to be Boat Quay. This place, especially on a Friday night, is full of working professionals and will lend you some insight into what the young working crowd here in Singapore gets into on weekends. Mostly a place for pubbing, clubbing and partying the night away.


Ok, I hope the above has shed some light into what are the must-see places in Singapore. Given limited time in Singapore, it is critical for any tourist to prioritize and decide what is the best place to visit. The above 5 places are great suggestions, so be sure to check them out! Happy travels!

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